No visit to London would be complete without putting Squishy Sax through some sort of torment. He knows Me well and can detect I’m in one of My sadistic moods. I position him under the throne and while he starts kissing and massaging one foot, I stomp his balls with the other. As I flatten his balls with My foot I notice that they look like pancakes and suddenly I become much more rambunctious. My feet move from his balls and then I start covering his face and mouth. I want him to clean his own ball sweat off My gorgeous feet. But it’s also fun to see if I can fit both of My feet into his mouth. 

Read more about My love for FOOT DOMINATION – it is one of My favourite activities!


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Within the realm of Femdom, I am omnipresent. I am everywhere.
The name Bellatrix originates from the star found in the constellation Orion. So, I am literally above you looking down. And like a star shining brightly in the night sky, here is where you can track My movements.

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