New Booking Etiquette Guidelines

New Booking Etiquette Guidelines

New Booking Etiquette Guidelines As you are probably aware, I recently closed the doors to Chez Bellatrix V2 in January. I went on hiatus for four or five months but I am now available on an outcall basis in Paris. Currently, I do not host sessions and will not will...


It is that time of year again and September 23rd marks My 12th Dommeversary. For Me it is not only is it a time of reflection, but a change of season. On this day twelve years ago, I had My first professional session at a dungeon in Chiswick in London. I have really...
Pause for Spring Reflection

Pause for Spring Reflection

The first quarter of the year is nearly over, and I thought I’d pause for reflection. So far, the start to 2022 has been a great one and I intend for it to continue that way. I can honestly say, last year was the most difficult year of My life so I want to put it...
Domination During the Pandemic – One Year On

Domination During the Pandemic – One Year On

Domination During the Pandemic – One Year On When your life coach asks you “where do you see yourself in one year”, it certainly wasn’t this! Two weeks ago marked the one-year anniversary of the first lockdown here in France. Then suddenly, Paris went into the third...
The Myth of the Personal Slave

The Myth of the Personal Slave

Ahhhh the subject that makes most professional Dominatrices cringe. The concept of the personal slave and/or the live in slave. To be clear, this is purely a male fantasy and not something that most Pro Dommes could even begin to fathom let alone stomach in reality....