Chastity Bloopers
Over the years, I’m proud to say I’ve locked up countless numbers of men in chastity. The feeling of being a keyholder is incredibly empowering. Most of the time it’s smooth sailing, bar the extreme desperation the chastity slave experiences. But there have been a few hilarious cases where chastity has gone terribly wrong, much to My amusement. I wanted to share some of My personal favourite chastity bloopers. I’m still laughing to this day.
And how very timely of Me to be publishing this on Groundhog Day. Every day in chastity must feel perpetual…
The Freedom Ceremony
My approach to chastity training is both ritualistic and psychological. There are many tricks and techniques that I employ. Of course, these will only be known to those who enrol in My Chastity Training Programme. But one such ritual, I fondly call the Freedom Ceremony.
With chastity slaves who are new to Me, an agreed period of incarceration and several tasks will be set for that time frame. For those who have done several long term training courses with Me, lockdown can be indefinite. Either way, it will end with the Freedom Ceremony. If it is ongoing, sometimes I will spring it on the unsuspecting slave.
Now, here are some of My personal favourite chastity bloopers over the last ten years.

The Vancouver Chastity Loser
It was the morning after an overnight session while on tour in Vancouver. I had to race back home to shower the slave stench off Me ahead of lunch with My dad. No sooner had I returned, I recalled that I hadn’t unlocked the sissy as agreed the night before. Both of us had busy schedules and it was nearly a week before we could meet for his Freedom Ceremony. Of course, because I had to go out of My way to unlock him, I charged him the full tribute for My time. Although it was technically an oversight on My behalf, he still had to pay for My mistake.
The Minnesota Chastity Loser
After an agreed 14 day incarceration with an online slave in Minnesota, the big day had finally come. We had regular online chastity sessions via Niteflirt and/or Skype almost daily. So, when it was time for the Freedom Ceremony, he selected the box where he thought he had put his key. The look of panic as he rummaged for the key was priceless. This went on for about 15 minutes as I watched him ransack his cottage. As it turned out, he lived on a large farm and his cottage was his “man cave” where he would conduct his chastity training with Me. His main house was about 7 miles away and he realised he had left the key there. The disappointment on his face was priceless. I was laughing hysterically the whole time.
The Forest of Dean Chastity Loser
This UK based slave and I have been chatting on Adult Work on and off for about five years. While we don’t tend to do prolonged chastity training, it is in dribs and drabs. One summer, he was locked up for two consecutive days. While on cam, I agreed that I would unlock him the next day at 5pm, his local time. As it turned out, the next day happened to be gloriously sunny, so I stopped at My local bistro in Paris to enjoy a glass of rose on the terrace. Basking in the sun, I lost track of time and the Freedom Ceremony completely slipped My mind. Then I got a text from one of My Adult Work colleagues to inform Me she had one very frustrated chastity slave in her cam room who was looking for Me. Ooooops! I was in no rush so I waited until the next day to ungage him. No pain, no gain.
The Travelling Salesman Chastity Loser
This next story is not one of My personal experiences, but that of a fellow UK colleague. She had her long term chastity slave locked up and they had agreed a date and time for her to unlock him. As it turned out, he had to travel for business at the last minute and needed that cage off pronto. However, she was on tour and couldn’t meet him any sooner than the agreed date. As his cage had a metal lock, he had to take a hacksaw to it to remove it. To this day, it still makes Me laugh imagining the desperate look on his face as he sawed the lock off.
I always wonder what would happen if a chastity slave set the metal detector off going through airport security. Now that would be hilarious!

The Cell Mate Chastity Losers
The last few years have seen sex toys, including chastity devices go down the tech route. The most well known gadget on the market is called the Cell Mate. The device is Bluetooth controlled by an app so the Keyholder and chastity slave do not even need to meet in person for it to work. One simply has to download an app to lock the device or unlock it at any time remotely with the touch of a button.
In October 2020, during the month known as “Locktober”, the app was hacked, as reported by BBC. So it would seem that some very kinky hackers took it upon themselves to over-ride the entire network. Can you imagine a global network of chastity slaves being cock blocked by a non secure “smart” device? Hilarious! It took a cyber security company to override the code and eventually unlock the devices. Some had to resort to a chisel and hammer.
This is how you know male chastity has gone mainstream…and The Cock Whisperer couldn’t be more pleased!

Now…let’s lock that cock!
Of course, not all chastity incarcerations end up in chastity bloopers. But as The Cock Whisperer, when you’ve caged this many cocks, mishaps are bound to happen.
Long distance chastity training is one of My specialities, especially now that the pandemic has been going on for nearly a year and we’re all social distancing.
But you don’t have to wait until next Locktober to lock that cock. To learn more about My Chastity Training Programme, visit the main CHASTITY TRAINING page on this website.
To inquire, send Me a DM on LOYAL FANS or send a chat volley on NITE FLIRT
See The Cock Whisperer on Video
The Cock Whisperer series dates back to 2012 and on Clips 4 Sale, I have more than 45 chastity training videos for you to chose from.
Here is a sample of what you can expect…
That’s all the chastity bloopers for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing about it. Writing has been a healthy form of escapism for Me these days.
There’s a lot of doom and gloom in the world right now. Not just because of the pandemic, but also the ongoing deplatforming of sex workers. So, this light hearted piece is the first in what I intend to be an ongoing blog about chastity and My other favourite fetishes.
If you want to tell Me how much you enjoyed it or have suggestions for future blogs about fetishes, send Me a DM on LOYAL FANS
Best wishes from Paris,
Lady Bellatrix