Nasty Dommes with Stinging Nettles

Nasty Dommes with Stinging Nettles

(Usually I embed the preview video from Pornhub for these blogs. But the video was so nasty, Pornhub banned it! So enjoy this GIF instead.) Nasty Dommes with Stinging Nettles Lady Sara Borgia and I are always in a sadistic mood. Luckily for us we have our favourite...
April is Birthmonth

April is Birthmonth

It is that time of year again! April is birthmonth and as usual I will be celebrating every day of the month in the countdown to My birthday on the 27th. I’m particularly excited about My birthday this year as it will be the first birthday in two years that I am...
Pause for Spring Reflection

Pause for Spring Reflection

The first quarter of the year is nearly over, and I thought I’d pause for reflection. So far, the start to 2022 has been a great one and I intend for it to continue that way. I can honestly say, last year was the most difficult year of My life so I want to put it...
Latex Live Show Returns

Latex Live Show Returns

Latex Live Show Returns! Fresh off the heels of last week’s relaunch of Heavy Rubber Dominatrix, I have yet another exciting announcement to share with you. At long last, I’m bringing back the Latex Live Show every Sunday at 8pm CET on Loyal Fans. Starting...