by admin | Mar 14, 2018 | Travel
Greetings lovers and losers of Paris, MARCH 21 to 26 Maitresse Parisienne strikes again! I will be returning to Paris between March 21st to 26th and now taking applications for Femdom sessions. My calendar is filling and I am now fully booked on the 21th, 25th and...
by admin | Nov 2, 2017 | Travel
Hello lovers and losers, I have really enjoyed the last six months of living in Paris. It has been such a great time! However, the travel bug has started to set in. After taking a long break from touring throughout 2017, My intrepid wanderlust has taken hold once...
by admin | Jul 7, 2017 | Travel
DOMINATRICE de PARIS Greetings lovers and losers! As a newly fledged Paris Dominatrix, I’m pleased to report that it has been two months since My relocation from the UK. I didn’t anticipate how different living here and touring here would be. But I am now...
by admin | May 8, 2017 | Travel
Je suis LADY BELLATRIX du Londre. I am an International Dominatrix and I have now relocated to Paris. Yes. I live in Paris now. You may recognise Me from The English Mansion, Interrogation Bootcamp, Chateau Cuir and much more. I am originally from Canada but have been...