Why should you tribute Me? You should be asking yourself why shouldn’t you tribute Me?

Perhaps you’re a fan of My work. Or perhaps I’ve put you on a paid block for doing something stupid? Maybe I’ve been ignoring you and you want Me to notice you? Or perhaps you simply want to send a tribute because I exsit!

All of those are fine reasons. But whatever the case, there are so many ways you can show your devotion. There is really no excuse, is there?!

Here are the many ways you can get My attention….


If you are applying for a real time session, an application fee is mandatory. My preference is Throne as they do not take commission. If you do not have a Throne account, it takes less than 5 minutes to set it up. This is where you will also be paying the deposit.

50€ for sessions of 4 hours or less

100€ for extended sessions, FMTY or session + social time

If you cannot pay the application fee via Throne, the only other option is to pay directly into My UK business bank account, below.



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$25 TIP

$50 TIP

$100 TIP

$200 TIP

$500 TIP